It’s been said that postpartum massage is one of the most underrated postnatal therapies. Many new mothers don’t realize the benefits that postpartum massage can offer.
Postpartum massage can help to ease the transition into motherhood. It can help to promote bonding between mother and child, as well as helping to improve sleep patterns. Postpartum massage can also help to reduce stress and anxiety levels, and promote relaxation.
How do you know if you need a postpartum massage? A good rule of thumb is that if you’ve recently given birth, or are caring for an infant you do! Another way to tell is if you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms:
– “Baby Gazing” Neck (aka a sore neck from staring at your new precious bundle of joy all the time!)
-Insomnia… Staring at the monitor or little one all night to make sure they’re breathing can be taxing. Trust me I know!
– Low energy levels. Did someone say coffee? Oh shoot don’t say the C word to nursing or pumping people, they might fight you about it.
– Muscle aches and pains. Hello sleeping in awkward positions to leave a boob out all night for a cluster feeding baby. Or napping with your arm draped over the crib so baby still feels you close. And that Diaper bag is surely not helping either….
– Headaches.
– Stress or anxiety.
How does massage help insomnia?
Massage can help to improve sleep quality by promoting relaxation and reducing stress levels. Massage has also been shown to reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol can interfere with sleep, so reducing levels of this hormone can help to improve sleep patterns. Being able to go to a quiet, calm, dimly lit massage treatment room is often zen inducing enough to help someone drift off to La-la land. Add to that having a professional gently work areas of concern, and your favorite endorphin inducing areas like scalp, feet or shoulders and the relaxed feeling often carries over for hours or days past your appointment.
How does massage help with muscle aches and pains that can occur after giving birth?
Massage can help to relieve muscle aches and pains by increasing blood circulation and relaxing muscles. Massage may also help to reduce inflammation that can contribute to pain. Many pregnant people have low back and hip pain during and after pregnancy, and massage can definitely help reduce this type of pain.
I’ve been trained in postpartum techniques to help aide in organ repositioning, as well as joint stabilization and belly binding for support during the 4th trimester. If a uncomplicated labor and delivery happened, a postpartum massage can take place and is most benefical the week after delivery. One of my most rewarding sessions has been working with a 4 day new mom to help continue her recovery with abdominal massage.
Massage has also been known to increase the hormone prolactin, which aides in the production of milk.
Along with increasing prolactin production, there are specific accupressure points that can be used to help induce milk let down. Chest massage can also be performed to loosen tight pectoral muscles, and with proper care and consent breast tissue may be worked to help with clogged ducts.
At Ananda Massage, you don’t even have to stress about leaving your baby home or finding a sitter. Our Mommy and Me Massage will be perfect for you! The treatment room is spacious enough to accommodate baby in a bucket style car seat safely. I keep an eye on them as I work on you. If baby wakes up, there is more than enough room on the table for them and you! Most often, they fall fast asleep on the warm cozy table cuddled up next to you. I also have a carrier available and I am more than willing to wear bubs as I work if they will allow it! Bring me back to my babywearing days!!
I look forward to seeing you during your Fourth Trimester!