Monkeypox is a virus that can spread from prolonged skin to skin contact of any type. It can also be spread with respiratory droplets from coughing and sneezing. Or with contact with contaminated fabric. So, let’s talk about monkeypox and massage, and how I keep you sage while you’re in my office and on my massage table.
How do I clean?
First, I use hospital grade sanitation products and disinfectants. Everything my client or I touch will get wiped down.
It’s recommended that massage therapists wear non latex gloves when giving a massage to help mitigate the spread of monkey pox so that’s what I will be doing for the long term.
When a client leaves my office, I carefully take off ALL linens, even blankets. They’re put in the hamper and I begin cleaning and sanitizing the space.
When I do laundry, I use bleach, oxy-clean or H202 to disinfect the linens along with my regular laundry detergent.
Not sure you have monkeypox? A physician can properly diagnose you, but here are the main symptoms and what to look for.
Typical monkeypox begins with flu like symptoms. You may feel fatigue, a sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, muscle aches and a fever. Several days later, the rash begins. And this is why it can be confusing because at first they look like eczema bumps or mosquito bites. You may notice them on your hands or face first and then they’ll pop up in other places on your body.
The macule, papule, and vesicule stages last a few days each.
The pustule stage (when they are filled with fluid and can be painful) can last up to a week.
The scabs last from 7 – 14 days.
It is safe for you to be around people when the last of your scab falls off.
So what do you do if you contract monkeypox?
Wear a mask and quarantine yourself away from other people. Do your laundry separately from other members of your household, don’t share dishes or utensils. Wear long sleeves, pants, gloves and a mask if you have to be go to a shared space in your house.
Can a pregnant person pass monkeypox to a fetus?
No one is exactly certain, but medical professionals say it is possible to pass it through the placenta.
What is the treatment for monkeypox?
If you are pregnant or nursing, please follow the advice of your doctor. The antiviral they use for monkeypox is known as TPOXX.
At this time, they are administering the JYNNEOS vaccine to those who have been exposed to monkeypox in hopes of lessoning the viral load.
Other than that, binge your favorite show, read some books and don’t pick at the bumps or scabs. Wash your hands frequently. Don’t touch your eyes.
What is my cancellation policy?
Typically, my cancellation policy is 48 hours. However, as with any illness, I will not charge to cancel or reschedule your appointment.
If you think you may have monkeypox, have a rash that you’re not sure about, let’s be safe rather than be sorry. We can reschedule your appointment, even the day of with no penalty while you get it checked out by a physician.
Stay safe out there! Keep taking your supplements, drink plenty of water. Exercise, and do everything you can to stay healthy.