Hi! I'm Justine, Massage Therapist!
Mother of 4, and an Ally to all.
I’ve been a full-time, licensed Massage Therapist since 2006, but more importantly, I’ve been in your shoes.
Before conceiving our first daughter in 2013 I was diagnosed with “Unexplained Infertility” after trying for years naturally.
After multiple rounds of tests, and nearing the decision to try IUI, we were blessed with the pregnancy of our first. That experience spurred me to investigate how I as a massage therapist could help my clients who suffer from fertility... woes (I’m being poetic, I could say so much more here including a few cuss words).
As a pregnant bodyworker, I saw and felt the need for regular bodywork first hand!
Sore hips, Swollen EVERYTHING, not being able to get comfortable sitting, standing or laying down… I GET IT.
And I credit regular bodywork to the fact that I worked up until the day I delivered with my last!
And postpartum… The things they don’t tell you about that, I will!
Because no one should go blindly into the world of being a new parent. Babywearing, Chest Feeding, Baby-led weaning, wonder weeks… I’m here for it!